
Jennifer Juniper

여수룬1 2007. 9. 12. 15:15

      ♡*~ Jennifer Juniper / Donovan ~*♡

      언덕에 사는 로뎀 나무같은 제니퍼..
      아주 고요히 앉아있는
      로뎀 나무같은 제니퍼..
      잠자고 있는걸까요? 아닐걸요.
      숨쉬고 있나요? 그래요 아주 낮게 숨쉬고 있네요.
      무엇을 하고 있나요.
      내 사랑 제니퍼..
      머리에 라일락을 꽂고..
      얼룩말을 타고 있는 로뎀 나무같은 제니퍼.
      그녀가 꿈을 꾸고 있나요? 그래요 그런것
      그녀가 예쁘나요?.그럼요 .대단히..
      무엇을 하고 있나요. 내 사랑 제니퍼
      Jennifer, Juniper, lives upon the hill.
      Jennifer, Juniper, sitting very still.
      Is she sleeping? I don't think so.
      Is she breathing? Yes, very low.
      Watcha doung Fennifer my love?

      Jennifer, Juniper, rides a dappled mare.
      Jennifer, Juniper lilacs in her hair.
      Is she dreaming? Yes I think so.
      Is she pretty? Yes ever so.
      Watcha doing, Jennifer my love?

      I'm thinking of || what would it be like if she loved me.
      You know just lately
      this happy song, it came along and I had || to somehow try and tell you

      Jennifer, Juniper, hair of golden flax
      Jennifer, Juniper longs for what she lacks.
      Do you like her? Yes I do, Sir!
      Would you love her? Yes I would, Sir!
      Watcha doing Jennifer my love?

      Jennifer, Juniper, Jennifer, Juniper, Jennifer, Juniper


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